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Quentin Boyes and Mark Taylor.

We’re a powerful marriage of like-minded souls with deep expertise and broad experience in branding and marketing. 


And we’re here for the baby boomer generation.

Which means we’re high on self-belief and low on nonsense. 


And that explains why we want to work with a handful of clients we like, respect and believe in.

Why bother otherwise and waste precious time? 


We’ve built brands for multinationals like Unilever and Coca-Cola and marketed entrepreneur businesses like Kettle crisps and Oddbins, along with a few others, have a nosy here.


We’re stacked with more attitude and energy than many half our age, refreshingly straight-talking and pragmatic about building companies and forging deeper connections with customers for our clients, through insight, imagination, and intellect because, well... we’re baby boomers.


Tim Birchinall

An old friend, Tim has managed the development, transformation, operations and marketing of many of the world’s leading loyalty and member engagement programmes across Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific markets.


We all think there is going to be plenty to do to ensure brand loyalty amongst baby boomers as they react to issues such as global warming, green washing and their behavioural patterns change.

Lisa Betti

Lisa is an experienced brand and communications consultant. She is a passionate brand advocate (a custodian of the AstraZeneca corporate brand for over 12 years), adept at ensuring brands speak to target audiences in the way they want to be spoken to. Complex on-brand, internal and external campaign development her bread and butter, and as a not-so-secret wannabe creative director, she also likes an idea or two. 

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Quentin - brand strategy, stakeholder engagement, creative facilitation, entrepreneurship, planning, research and value creation


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Mark - branding, insight, comms, copy, innovation, and
creative strategy


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Tim - loyalty marketing, partnership management and operations, and digital transformation programme implementation


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Lisa - brand reputation, insight-driven marketing strategy development, integrated multi-channel campaign management and compelling C-Suite messaging, narrative and speaker kit creation.


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